The Easiest Card You Will Every Make – Celebrating May Day

Easiest card you'll ever make

Tomorrow is May Day and a great day for sharing smiles & flowers.  I remember when my daughter and her good friend were young, they picked a whole bunch of dandelions and left them as a beautiful bouquet for our neighbor.  Our neighbor was so wonderful to write a thank you note to both of them and made them each feel really special.
In some parts of the United States, May Baskets are made for May Day as a way of celebrating the arrival of Spring.  The baskets are usually filled with flowers or treats and left at someone’s doorstep.  The tradition is to ring the doorbell and run away.   I came up with a super easy and quick idea for you to celebrate May Day with your neighbors and friends.  Let’s keep this wonderful tradition alive.
All I did was tie a bow around a package of seeds and paperclip it to a piece of card stock.  So, so easy!  Write a cute little “celebrate May Day with these flower seeds” message inside.  You are sure to make someone feel special.
You can even copy this idea for a quick Mother’s Day card too!
Happy Creating!
Spread the love!


  1. Great idea, Christine!

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