Join the 2019 Paper Share

paper shareWait until you see all of the glorious, beautiful, fun, colorful, spectacular Designer Series Papers that are available in the 2019/20 Annual Catalog!!!  There is a pattern and color combination for everyone.  I am sure you will want them all.  There’s nothing like holding the actual paper in your hands rather than looking at a snapshot of them online or in the catalog.  I have gone through most of my Sailing Home package already and can’t wait to get a second package.  If you were to purchase all 12 packs of papers, you would pay just over $170!!!!  That’s a lot of money, and a lot of paper.

How would you like a sampling of ALL the patterns?  Join my Paper Share for only $45.  You will receive a 6″ x 12″ piece of every pattern.  I cut the pieces into 6″ x 12″ rather than the common 6″ x 6″ size because you can use the papers in both your scrapbook, card making and 3D projects.   I also label each pack with the name of the pack and coordinating colors to make it easy when you go to make a project.

Let me know you would like to participate in the Paper Share by June 13.  You can pay by check or PayPal.  If you would like me to ship your Paper Share to you, it will be an additional $7. 35 for Priority Mail.

Email:,   Text:  339/788-1915

PayPal Links:
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