I’ve been away all week

Greetings from my last day in Tucson!  I’ve been away all week at my daughter’s college softball spring training.  I don’t think we could have asked for better weather!!!  It’s been between 77-86 degrees with sunshine the whole week.  Sunblock, water and hats have been our constant companions.  I don’t think I have ever drunk so much water and I hope that continues after I return home.  Watching the girls play everyday and hanging out with all the parents has been a great experience.

The cactus in this area are amazing and everywhere!  Lots of Prickly Pear, Barrel, Saguaro Cacti and other lesser known varieties. The Saguaro cactus which only grows in the greater Tucson area.  The g is silent and is pronounced suh-waa-row.  I’ve learned that the Saguaro cactus only begin to grow their arms after they are 50 years old and it’s illegal to dig them up, so construction has to build around them.  We saw many, many old ones.  I’ll add a few of my photos in this post.  We were able to visit the Saguaro National Park, Tucson Botanical Gardens, Sabino Canyon, drove up Mt. Lemmon for a sunset and walked around the University of Arizona campus, which is huge.  It’s been an amazing week and although I am eager to get home, I am excited to return next March.

After seeing so many cactus, I can’t wait to return home and play with my Cactus Cuties stamp set and punch!  It’s such a great bundle to make cards, notecards, tags, wrapping or tissue paper and scrapbooking.  I even saw Easter cards with these cactus on it – funny to a New England girl, but very appropriate to this area.  You can see some of my past cards I made with this bundle here – https://www.facebook.com/mailsomethingpretty/photos/pcb.1837668023098174/1837667789764864/

Tucson Botanical Gardens

My mom & aunt standing next to a old Saguaro Cactus

Saguaro National Park

Mt. Lemmon Sunset (6000+ feet in elevation that I drove up!!!)

Me and my daughter & the full moon


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