Turn your Scraps into Fun Cards

Turn your Scraps into Fun Cards using the Scrappy Strippy Technique

I don’t even have to ask if you have scraps because if you are a paper crafter, you have scraps. Do you let your scraps sit around in a pile or folder, or do you use them? I came across this fun technique that uses and turns scraps into a fun, striped background. We made this card over a Mystery…

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Creating Simple & Fun Fruit Cards – Perfect for Beginners

Fun Fruit cards perfect for a beginner

It’s easy for us demonstrators to get carried away with details, fancy folds, multi layers, embellishments and such. Sometimes it’s a challenge for us to create a simple (but not boring) card that beginners can learn from and copy. That is where the Beginner’s Brochure comes in. This mini brochure highlights just a few stamp sets & supplies. The samples…

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