Black and White Cards Make a Big Impact

Strip technique

I saw a similar card online and fell in love with the “graphicness” off it.  Cohesive stripes in all different directions but work together.  I thought this would be a perfect card for Club Class (and I was right).  I had plenty of the Sale-a-Bration Hand Penned paper left over which is why I chose to do the card in…

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Celebrate Summer with Strawberries!

Card made with Sweet Strawberry bundle

It’s the start of Strawberry Season!  Time to celebrate summer with strawberries.  It’s the perfect time to pick your berries in a patch, at a farmer’s market, local producer or your favorite food store.  But don’t stop there!  Create with strawberries too – not with the actual berry (although I bet the juice makes a great dye), but with stamps…

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