My new Paper Trimmer arrived over a week ago and I am very impressed! The previous Paper Trimmer was completely fine except in one area. The replacement blades are no longer available. Stampin’ Up! had to make the hard decision last Spring to retire the beloved trimmer because the facility used to produce the replacement blades was no longer able to do so. Demonstrators were able to preorder the new Trimmer in October to test it out and let you all know what we think. My opinion – it’s really great!!! The best part of the new Paper Trimmer is the price point, $25. Very affordable.
I thought I would give you a comparison of the old and new trimmers and the easiest way to do this was to record a video. Below the video are photographs comparing the old and new blades (cutting and scoring) side by side. I forgot to mention in the video that the new scoring blades is a rolling blade, like a dial. You’ll see this in the photo below.
A bit unscripted, but I hope you get the idea that the new Paper Trimmer is a great trimmer. Since recording the video, I have made several more cards only using the new trimmer. My guillotine trimmer has found a backseat. I really am very happy with this new Paper Trimmer.
You can order it beginning on November 1st. Item#152392, $25. As I mentioned in the video, the replacement cutting blades will be available in January. Just in time for Sale-a-bration! The multi-pack of replacement blades will come in a pack of 4 and will be $12. Keep this new Paper Trimmer in mind as a Christmas gift too, for anyone who needs to cut paper. Yourself, your daughter or in-law, niece, Secret Santa gift, and so forth. My kids always used my paper trimmer (as well as adhesives) for all school projects.
Cutting Blades Comparison

Old blade on the left, new on the right. There is a huge difference in size. The new blade is so much larger which cuts a much more crisp and strong cut.
Scoring Blades Comparison

Old scoring blade on the left and new on the right. The new scoring “blade” is actually a rotating dial that goes so much deeper into the paper thus scoring a more defined score mark.
Notice those fun sparkly fingernails? Those are my daughters. Naturally long and beautiful, and she changes the color every week. Mine, not so much. Short and never painted (insert smiley face).
I hope this comparison of the new and old Paper Trimmers is helpful and convinces you that you need one! Ordering begins on November 1st, all you need to do is click on Shop at the top of this website. Let me know if you have any questions or need some help.