Join in the fun making your own Christmas countdown boxes

Last Sunday a bunch of great ladies came over to my house and made their own Christmas countdown boxes.  I’m not sure if they loved the overall project better, or all the prep work that was done for them.  All they needed to do was assemble all the pieces together.  And they did this with very happy faces!  I still have 3 spots left for this Sunday’s 11/15 Advent Box workshop, 2 – 5 pm.  No need to worry if you don’t finish before you leave because you can finish at home.  You can string the boxes up to make garland, stack them on a shelf or mantle or even gift each box to a special recipient.  Everything is included for $55 (except your tape runner).  The first three who reply to me will get the spots – don’t delay! workshopAdvent workshopAdvent Boxes using Takeout ThinlitsAdvent Workshop

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