Happy Earth Day! Earth Day is 50 years old!!! Although it’s sunny where I live, it’s unseasonably cold (38 degrees) and blustery, so it’s not a good day to work in the garden. Instead, I tried to think of earth-friendly tips I could share with you. I always try to be conscious about reducing my waste, re-using what I can and recycling. The 3 R’s. Hopefully these tips will help you celebrate Earth Day in your craft room.
Scrap Storage

I implemented this scrap storage system a few years ago and I am so happy with it. I used to put all my scraps in one box but the colors I needed were always on the bottom, sight unseen and then unused. Use a hanging file and put each color in it’s own folder. I “label” each file with the color that is inside and group them per color. I find that I use my scraps much more often which reduces cutting a new sheet of card stock.

I do keep my white scrap paper in a box that is located in a drawer right behind where I sit. Very easy access and I am able to put the box on my work table.

I keep a recycle bin close by where I sit so I can put all unusable paper into it. When it’s full, I empty it into the curbside recycling bin.

You can reuse & recycle cards too! I received this fun saying inside a card promoting me to pass along (aka recycle) the card she sent. Another way to reuse cards is to tear/cut off the fronts and remount onto a new card base.

Turn your Paper Pumpkin boxes inside out and reuse them for storage or gift wrapping.
Earth Friendly Cleaning

I love using this Simply Shammy 147042 for cleaning my stamps, blocks & Stamparatus. All it needs is water, no chemicals involved. Every once in a while I run the shammy under the faucet and squeeze to get the ink out. Once the water is clear it’s good to reuse over and over.
I hope you can incorporate some of these ideas into your creative space. If you have other earth friendly ideas, please pass them along to me by writing them in the comments section below. I think we should try to celebrate Earth Day in your craft room everyday.